Snuggles Owns You

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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, then to speak and remove all doubt

.. if you're wondering why I made this site, it was because I was extremely bored, and I have far too much time on my  hands. I wanted to make a site for me and my friends, so I could stick it in my little AIM profile. yep. I'd like to make a little shout out to some of my friends. Janelle took most of the pics on this site with her digital camera! And Jennifer for Helping me out with this site. Oh, and for  all those people I took embarrassing pictures of and stuck them in this site for the world to see.. HA HA! thanks. oh, and my URL "simonsaysusuck" yah, I didn't make that up, it was on a button that Carmen had, I kno, I'm so unoriginal.



Rabbit Rage
When Rabbits Attack


Hey My People,
     Alright, I hope you all are having a great spring break -- I know I am. I hope you all are having fun and enjoying yourselves. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, oopsie, I haven't had time. in a week or so I should I have new pics up, and have the site lookin better. I'm trying to get a freakin' guestbook in but I can't for some odd reason. So anyways, thanks for your comments, and I'll see you all later.

My mind not only wanders; sometimes it leaves completely.

Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.